Free Demo! (2 Boss Battles)

🎮 Exciting News: The demo of the new, polished project Medieval Run is here for play-testing opportunities and a chance for fundraising! Dive into the experience of facing not one, but two boss battles for free. Get ready for an epic gaming adventure and be among the first to experience this thrilling gameplay.

Files 35 MB
Version 1 Nov 07, 2023 32 MB
Version 1 Nov 07, 2023


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I don't really know where else to give feedback, since I can't make any comments on the actual page. Let me just say the game is very frustrating. This may be the intent, but as of right now the difficulty scaling is crazy. The necromancer has very basic attacks that were very easy to learn and figure out how to counter, he took me about 10 minutes. However, the striker is my absolute arch-nemesis and is way too hard for me to have beaten with an hour, yes a full hour, of dedicated time to him, his attacks and mechanics didn't really make sense, not to mention the un-dodgeable bullet attack. It was just far too frustrating to go from, yeah I can make a few mistakes with the necromancer, to, if I manage to press this key one frame too late I'm dead. It was incredibly frustrating and the game gives you no hints at all to what he's going to do. Once again I understand it's supposed to be a souls like game, but even in souls like games, every time you do a boss you learn something new, there's nothing new to learn, he just kills you. On top of that the ui isn't great, the stamina bar doesn't look nearly as polished as the health bar for some reason, and there isn't any clear indication of how much stamina each thing costs. What I assume to be an arrow counter is stuck below my screen and I can only see the top of it as well. I will say the art is good. The striker was far too frustrating in progression to me, the attacks were practically un-dodgeable and it feels like it's trying to be like hollow knight but lacks the character control hollow knight gives you. Overall, I can see this becoming a good game, I just don't quite know how you can make a fun 2D souls like game, without a platforming element. Sorry I didn't really break this into topics, I hope it was easy to follow, I'll try to answer any questions if you have them.

Thank you for taking the time to share your review. I appreciate your feedback and understand the frustrations with the Striker. I'm actively working on balancing and planning to enhance the game's boss-rush experience. While the focus is on boss fights without exploration or character building, I have plans to implement a level-up system, allowing players to choose which stats to improve.