Background Parallax Effect (C# Script Included)

Unity 2D

I successfully incorporated a parallax effect into the background and made slight colour adjustments to enhance the forest theme. The parallax effect was achieved by creating a script that gains access to the camera's transform within the scene and then modifies the position of the game object (in this case, the different background image layers) using a corresponding multiplier. You can utilise the following script for this purpose:

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ParallaxBackground : MonoBehaviour
    private Transform cameraTransform;
    private Vector3 lastCameraPosition;
    [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Further Behind = Greater Multiplier")]float parallaxEffecMultiplier;
    private void Start()
        cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
        lastCameraPosition = cameraTransform.position;
    private void LateUpdate()
        Vector3 deltaMovement = cameraTransform.position - lastCameraPosition;
        // Background Transform Position
        transform.position += deltaMovement * parallaxEffecMultiplier;
        // Reset Last Camera Position to Current Camera Positon
        lastCameraPosition = cameraTransform.position;

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